The Influence of September 11.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Influence of September 11 On the American Economy The atrocious attacks on New York's twin towers were aimed at an iconic symbol of US wealth and economic domination. Among the thousands of lives claimed by the suicide attackers were many low-paid cleaners, shop and office workers, and also undocumented immigrant workers laboring under the tyranny of neo-liberal economic laws. At the same time, the bombers did inflict massive damage on the world's biggest financial centre …

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…Iraq during the Gulf war, it could draw on its already existing stockpiles of weapons - and then sent the bill to its allies, primarily Japan and Germany. The legacy of that 'military Keynesianism' was a massive federal budget deficit. Fortunately for Clinton, the growth of the late 1990s enabled his administration to pay off the deficit. George W and his immediate presidential successors, however, are very unlikely to face such a favourable economic conjuncture.