The Influence of Photgraphy in the Sixties

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
The representation of the sixties' cultural revolution through photography Before exploring what made photography such an important tool for the sixties Cultural Revolution, I feel it necessary to define what is meant by the term 'cultural revolution.' The term had in 1965 been used to describe the 'policies initiated in China by Mao Tse - Tsung' who believed 'that you could only have complete revolution if you not only removed the bourgeoisie from power, but …

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…medium of communication that overcomes the language barrier. During a period of protest and reflection about where the world is going, photographs have definitely contributed to the wide spread of current news. Although videos can show a more lively aspect of the reality, photographs immortalize a moment and capture a key moment where one could gather his attention to. Photographs are, and will still remain a unique convenient tool of the reproduction of the reality.