The Influence of Fear and Chaos on Innate Evil

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The origin of an individual's sense of cruelty is a topic that is highly debatable. Though some feel that it is learned during one's childhood, others disagree and instead believe that everyone is born possessing this negative attribute, though it does not reveal itself unless the subject is in an extreme situation that promotes this attribute. William Golding, a British author recognized by his world-renowned novel, Lord of the Flies, thought that evil was brought …

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…released into the wild, his natural instincts and yearning to kill become exposed. This shows that when society is just and ethical, the primitive ways of those who are less refined are overthrown. As a result, children who are raised in these societies are discouraged from showing their innate cruelty. However, as proved before, simply because an individual's sense of evil is concealed, it is still present in their minds, waiting to be set free.