The Ineffable Aphrodite

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The Ineffable Aphrodite The Olympian goddess Aphrodite was the Greek's epitome of love, beauty, and fertility. Unlike her Roman counterpart Venus, Aphrodite was not only the goddess of sexual love but also the social emotion between a man and woman. According to the poet Homer, she was the simply the daughter of Zeus and Dione. The poet Hesiod's account is more elaborate, and considerably more gruesome. Life first began when Gaia, the Earth and mother …

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…goddess, who could never be satisfied by one man. She constantly disappointed and angered the people who loved her. Unfortunately in ancient as well as modern times, beauty goes a long way. She could easily get out of her troubles with a wink and a wiggle. The true distinction of her divinity was her immortality and her refusal to improve and change her ways. Cotterell, Arthur. The Encyclopedia of Mythology. New York: Annes Publishing Limited, 1996