The Industrial Revolution in America from power-driven machinery to manufacturing. How outside factors were

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution can be described as the application of power-driven machinery to manufacturing. During the 19th century, new approaches to manufacturing, such as Eli Whitney's interchangeable parts for muskets, took industry out of American households and artisans' workshops and put it, instead, in large semi-mechanized factories. The factory system mad mass production possible - the production of goods in large quantities. This development eliminated costly craftsmen who created one object from …

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…thread. Then, later in the 1800s three Bostonians revolutionized the American textile industry by mechanizing all the stages in the manufacture of cloth. Using plans for an English mill. Francis Cabot Lowell, Nathan Appleton, and Patrick Tracy Jackson built a weaving factory in Waltham, Massachusetts town that would be renamed Lowell in honor of their deceased partner. The changes that their operation triggered in Lowell exemplify those that occurred throughout New England at this time.