The Industrial Revolution in America By: Tan Ly

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Essay Database > History
During the years between 1860 and 1900, factors including advancement and increase in railroads, political party control, and the creation of agricultural machinery both, directly and indirectly, helped promote America's huge industrial growth. The Industrial Revolution was a time of great change. There were many improvements made such as the use of hand tools and other handmade items, to products, which were mass-produced by new machines. Workers became more productive, more items were manufactured, and prices dropped …

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…the new wealth and power of the United States. Postwar industrial expansion began to spread greatly, and liquid capital became more common. It gave the United States citizen self-confidence and a great sense of expansion and unity, which they badly needed. Along with this, it gave poverty stricken people a chance to make money, earn a living, and support their families. Many of these great advances remain today and are still beneficial to our economy.