The Industrial Revolution

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The mills of the 1800s mark the rise and fall of the industrial revolution. Still standing tall to this day, the mills served as the source of employment for thousands of young women, children, and immigrants. Without the industrial revolution, we would not have some of the machinery we have today, which was a direct result of the technological advancements, such as the power loom. As I learned at Lowell, these inventions, such as the …

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…experience necessary to be a mill worker has greatly altered. No longer does each person have a simple unskilled task to perform repeatedly, but rather a sufficient amount of education and talent is needed to operate machinery. The 1800s proved to be a century of great technological advancement, variation of the roles of women, and economical improvement. The industrial revolution changed the way we live our lives, and helped shape the financial system of America.