The Industrial Boom, history of it and its outcome

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Essay Database > History
The Industrial Boom: In the United States in 1860, the county and people mainly depended on farming rather than industrializing like other nations such as Great Britain. Not only did they depend of farming but since there were not many cities, most people lived in small towns. It took the U.S. a lot longer to industrialize because at the time it was a lot more profitable to farm since there was plenty of cheap labor …

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…the main reasons for it. New technology helped to advance factories and took away human labor. There was also cheap labor which led to increase of cities and jobs in factories which cause many people to move to the north in search of opportunity, such as immigrants, poor white southerners, and freed African Americans. In conclusion, these were all of the factors that helped to promote America's huge industrial growth during the period from 1860 to 1900.