The Impossible Victory Vietnam

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The Impossible Victory: Vietnam In September 1973, a former government official in Laos, Jerome Doolittle, wrote in The New York Times: “ …After all, the lies did serve to keep something from somebody, and the somebody was us”. For 11 years, the most powerful nation in the world made every effort to defeat a nationalist revolutionary movement in a tiny poor country, and failed. The French had been trying to conquer take over long before, but they too …

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…that kind of fighting and you don’t have what you went out for, then you must not know what you went looking for in the first place. Even after Nixon and South Vietnam signed the peace treaty, the bombing still went on, accomplishing nothing. With no real purpose of going in there, we never knew when to call it quits. Bibliography Paper written for a AP U.S. History 2 class about the Vietnam war.