The Importance of communication Skills in a Relationship - a simple essay written in my 1st year (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, SLO)

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People rarely notice their partner's less attractive peculiarities early on in their life together, because they are so very much in love. However, as the blinding effect of romantic love wears off with time, they become more aware of these disturbing traits, flaws or vices of their partner's. Though founded on love, most relationships rely on good communication skills to get through difficult times, which are bound to occur as the partners spend more and …

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…how to communicate within a relationship, since there are so many break-ups due to lack of mutual understanding and feelings of detachment between partners today. Such failed relationships further prove that applying a bit of tact in one's complaints on the one hand and not being instantly hurt whenever a partner has something negative to say, but rather listening to what he or she is saying on the other, is essential to every long-lasting relationship.