The Importance of being Ernest

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Essay Database > Literature
The idea of The Importance of being Ernest is about living a double life. In the author's (Oscar Wilde) life he also was living a double life, as a homosexual. Oscar Wilde was living an undercover life as a homosexual who later died a sad life. Victorianisms is made to separate people from life, such as people who are homosexuals and how they act in the public eye or in society. For example Bill Clinton …

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…Lady Bracknell takes a peak and becomes aware that his real name is Jake. This is the only time that Lady Bracknell doesn't act in a snobbish approach to it, she just doesn't care and takes into account of the wonderful and grand news that was just told. The play I can say ended positively pleasant with Ernest saying the words "The vital importance of being Ernest" I think the play could not end better.