The Importance of Young Chicanas in the Traditional Quinceanera Ceremony - short essay

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The Quinceanera is a traditional Latin American celebration of a girl's fifteenth birthday. The religious practice is symbolic of a young girl's transition into womanhood. The frequency of the ritual in America is decreasing more and more every year. The majority of the celebrations now are held for first and second generations of immigrants, but rarely for the third. Before long, the fiesta will only be conducted for first generation immigrants. Then, maybe the performance …

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…better understanding of the ritual and its origins. Also, I would like to prove that the ritual promotes religion and heritage in the Latin American youth that is imperative in preserving their culture. If this ceremony, along with several others, continues to regress at the same rate that it is now, Latin Americans will soon become part of the American melting pot. Hence, no longer being recognized as "Latin America" and only as American citizens.