The Importance of Setting in 'Like Water for Chocolate' written by Laura Esquivel, and 'Paradise of the Blind' written by Duong Thu Huong

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Because of our constant contact with different rooms, it is not unexpected that we come across references to this interaction in novels from all around the world, including "Like Water for Chocolate", from South America, and "Paradise of the Blind", from Vietnam. Settings in novels such as these are used many times by the author as metaphors and a parallel to the tone and mood of the passage. This is especially constructive because of our …

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…others, and we have the capability of relating to the characters' feelings while in certain situations and settings. Instead of indiscriminately describing different actions in different settings, Esquivel and Huong display a pattern in the settings they chose, which helps with the flow of the book and provides motifs that are carried throughout the entirety of the book. It is this sort of precise use of setting that makes a novel so distinctive and individual.