The Importance of Reason and Emotion in Distinguishing between Belief and Knowledge.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
During these times life is proving to be very interesting, especially living in Guatemala where every day provides a unique outlook on the world surrounding us. This question title is really appropriate for these times, since it is human nature to hold beliefs upon a subject although many other people withhold justified information contradicting the opposing belief. This is so often the root of problems that the human species face due to lack of judgement …

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…we are able to comprehend different situations and either prove their factuality or disprove it. So through reasonability we are able to gain knowledge of that specific fact. Therefore, both reason and emotion play a very important role in distinguishing belief and knowledge. 1448 words Bibliography ·<Tab/>Alchin, N, 2003, Theory of Knowledge, John Murry Publishers, London ·<Tab/>Boyce, C, Ways of Knowing