The Importance of MNC'S to the World: Good or Bad Influence.
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Multinational corporations are companies with their home base in one country and operations in many other nations. Most of these, very immense firms, establish in third world countries or developing countries where they manufacture the same identical product for very low costs compared to the ones in developed countries.
One of the purposes of MNC's is to create an economic development which is described as sustained growth in income per capita over a period of
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are engaging in destructive competition and insidious plots to economically and politically manipulate entire economies. To conclude, MNC's are necessary to have a world order. An order in which the search of benefits covers not only the company but the society in which it has been established. In this sense, MNC's are a good influence to a country, but governments are supposed to be the control agents to make its presence significative, beneficent and useful.
are engaging in destructive competition and insidious plots to economically and politically manipulate entire economies. To conclude, MNC's are necessary to have a world order. An order in which the search of benefits covers not only the company but the society in which it has been established. In this sense, MNC's are a good influence to a country, but governments are supposed to be the control agents to make its presence significative, beneficent and useful.