The Importance of Franklin Delano Rosevelt as a President and the great things he did for the United States of America during his Presidency.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The Most Influential Person of the Century Franklin D. Roosevelt How does one measure great influence? Perhaps influence can be measured by the number of people influenced or the how long the trace of influence lasts. Perhaps influence is measured by its impact on history or the impact felt by the world. Franklin Roosevelt's influence encompasses all these measurements. His life and legacy influenced the lives of millions in the past and is still affecting …

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…Standards Act affect generation after generation. Involvement in World War II not only influenced the course of hundreds of thousands, but the world is a better place because of the United States involvement. Democracy and capitalism were shown to be feasible ways to run a country. The U.N. is keeping the world from mass war. All these factors lead me to believe that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the most influential person of the century.