The Impact of Wilfred Laurier and a Policy that Changed the Nation: Naval Services Bill

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Essay Database > Literature
Sir Wilfred Laurier was Prime Minister of Canada in 1896-1911, and was well known for his amazing ability to compromise in the uprising nation: Canada. He compromised during the Boer War, Naval Services Bill, Manitoba Schools Question, and Reciprocity. In the case of the Naval Services Bill, his compromise had the perfect influence towards Canada as a nation. In the past, Britain and Germany were the strongest nations economically. In the 1900s, they began an …

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…amp;gt;. Howie, Amanda and Klassen, Carolyn. "Royal Canadian Navy 1910-1950." 2000. May 7, 2005 <>. Newman, Garfield. Canada A Nation Unfolding. Toronto: Pappas, Patty, 2000. "Timeline: 1910-1919." 2000. May 7, 2005 <>. "What was the naval question?" 2000. May 7, 2005 <>.