The Impact of Le Pen and the National Front on French Politics

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Over the last fifteen years the Front National in France has risen from being an obscure and insignificant actor to one of the more visible and most discussed parties in French politics. The Front, led by Jean-Marie Le Pen, has managed to attract a sizable proportion of the electorate in nearly every election at every level of government over this time period. The support the FN has garnered can be attributed to the populist themes …

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…be heard at least indirectly through the moderate right, who are more receptive to them. If the FN is to survive into the foreseeable future it will have to broaden its policies and increase its political base in order to become a party for the improvement of French society as a whole. So long as they remain a conduit for radical disgruntlement they will remain a dangerous presence lingering on the fringes of French politics.