The Impact of Illegal Mexican Immigrants on the U.S. Economy

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
The United States economy is currently faced with many obstacles. Our country has been struck by terrorism, our stock market has been tumbling for many months, and we are over run with illegal immigrants from other countries. As indicated by the chart below, Mexicans make up more than fifty percent of the total number of immigrants to the United States in 2000. By the year 2050, the Hispanic population will be the second largest in America. (Census 2000) …

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…No. 14 September 1982. Reimers, David M. "Unwelcome Strangers" Columbia University Press. 1998. Siegel, Mark A., Jacobs, Nancy R., Von Brooks, Patricia A., "Immigration and Illegal Aliens." Information Plus 1989. U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service. Office of Policy and Planning. Statistics Division. Annual Report. "Legal Immigration, Fiscal Year 2000." Number 7 August 2002. Warren, Robert. "Illegal Alien Resident Population" Unpublished Paper U.S. Naturalization and Immigration Service. 1994. Williamson, Chilton Jr. "America's False Conscience the Immigration Mistique" Basic Books 1996.