The Impact of Colonization in America.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
North America saw a great tide of immigration from England and France in the early 1600s. Many of the immigrants traveled to North America in hope of finding religious freedom or riches. The new colonies relied heavily upon the natural inhabitants of their 'new world' - the Native Americans. During their colonization, the French accepted most of the Native American population, traded with them, and even adopted some aspects of their culture, whereas the British …

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…strong economy with the natives. The degree of acceptance of the natives was in accordance with the different religious and cultural beliefs of the settlers. The French chose the social concept of coexistence, whereas the British saw social interaction with the natives as a means to further their land acquisition. The Indian and British relationship went sour after a few years, and eventually, as tensions climaxed, initiated the beginning of the French and Indian War.