The Impact Of The Civil War On The African American Community.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Impact Of The Civil War On The African American Community Before the war there was a very large African American community already in place. Of course, these had mainly come from the west of Africa as slaves. The conditions in which they were transported were horrendous. The slave ships were always packed. The slaves were positioned head to toe and this allowed disease and death to spread quickly. Of course the Africans arrived in …

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…of Southern Democrats meant that policy had to follow southern rules meaning African Americans would suffer. Between 1865 and 1877 the African Americans had become better educated and slightly freer but the deal in 1877 caused them to take a step back. During this time the former slaves had a taste of freedom and this left them hungry for more. It is this hunger that would shape the civil rights movement for the next 100 years. By Adam Child