The Immorality of War

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
War is an armed clash between nations because of hostility or military conflicts. In simple words, war is fighting between two sides. War, in my opinion, is useless because of its damaging results, which will be talked about in this paper. It brings suffering and death. Under no circumstance is war moral, even in cases of self defense. There are just other ways to solve problems. Peace treaties are an easy way to end war. …

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…they had were moral, but according to the bible, G-d commanded Moses to fight. In conclusion, people should not die because of conflicts between leaders of countries. Death is very traumatizing to a person. There is just no reason for someone to have to die, especially over issues that aren't even worth getting into, like the Gulf War. Iraq didn't gain anything by trying to take over Kuwait. No war has ever come out positively.