The Immigration of Mennonites to Canada

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Essay Database > History
Immigration to Canada: The Mennonites When the Mennonites started to flee Europe it was because of severe persecution from the Catholics and Protestants. The Mennonites religion was seen as bad because it was different from their own. The Mennonites believe that a church is a group of voluntary adults, which are baptized on their own confession of faith. No children are baptized until they understand their religion and can say they wish to fully be …

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…did all the other prairie provinces. Eventually 1,300 Mennonites were able to enter, mostly settling in Ontario. The Mennonites, like all immigrants had to deal with religious persecution as they did in their home countries. Most Mennonites who were or are very religious live in small communities with many other Mennonites and keep to themselves. They escaped discrimination to find more discrimination, of course at a lesser level but it was still there none the less.