The Immigration of Germans How did germans migrate to the US in the 1900's? What were their stuggles as a immigrant? Where did they go in the US? How did they influence the current US?

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Essay Database > History
Next Stop: The Land of Opportunity Imagine that you and your family move to a whole new country. For whatever reason, your family is willing to leave their culture, family and friends, lifestyle, and even their language all for the "land of opportunity." Your family is ready to leave their home and all but few possessions behind for what they hope as a better life for them and generations to come. Would you be willing …

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…to America. Cole slaw, deli meats, oatmeal, frankfurters, and hamburgers all came to America through the German immigrants. Most people find it very hard to just pick up their roots and start new, but yet millions upon millions of people immigrated overseas to America for a better life. They brought many different valuable ideas and products that enriched and diverse our America. And because of that, America wouldn't be what it is today without immigrants.