The Immigration Experience-

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Essay Database > History
The Immigration Experience- They are our grandparents, our relatives, our friends. They are the immigrants. They came from all over the world for many reasons, such as, religious persecution and racial tension, but the largest reason for coming to America was for freedom. The freedom to live where we want, to own property, to take part in the government and most importantly, the freedom to be treated like a human being. Coming over was extremely …

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…ed. "Chinese Exclusion Act" Grolier's Online Encyclopedia. 1991 ed. "Ellis Island" Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. 1986 ed. Fallows, James. "The Mind of Japan" U.S. News and World Report 2 December 1983: 36 Howe, Irving. World of Our Fathers. New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976 Interview with Mollie Greenblatt, Brooklyn, New York 1991 Interview with Nathan Laks, Elizabeth, New Jersey 1991 Kenvin, Helen Schwartz. This Land of Liberty - A History of America's Jews. West Orange, New Jersey: Behrman House Publishers, 1986.