The Immigration Act Of 1924: Factors That Influenced Congress To Pass It

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The 1920's in America were classified as the "Roaring Twenties" marked by a period of American prosperity and optimism. However along with the good comes the bad with the rise of the Klu Klux Klan and rising intolerance with the end of World War I and the increase of immigrants coming to America. Many restrictive laws on immigration had been imposed before 1824's Immigration Act, but they were not enough for the US citizens who …

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…of the bill by the arguments to help preserve American ideals, reserve jobs for natural American workmen, and to help restore economy and keep America's standard of living high. Immigrants posed a threat to America and can be seen today as "invading" this country with their ideals. It is believed that any established country will impose a limit on immigration to better their country. The immigration act was ultimately passed, based on these persuading factors.