The Immigrant Experience and it's Effect on Women.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
"If the whole of history is in one man, it is all to be explained from individual experience"1. -Ralph Waldo Emerson. American author, poet and philosopher. 1803-1881 History relies on the biography and personal accounts of average people in order to be relevant. It is essentially the stories of people who lived in the past. Although generally history is said to be the propaganda of its victors, this is not always precisely true. History is …

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…remains that it was his call to immigrate. Sarah sacrificed her health and the life of her child in order to make John's desire come true. Aside from mourning the lose of his baby, the occasional seasickness bout and taking care of Sarah a fair bit on the "Alicia", John did not have to sacrifice that much during his immigration. Women, on the whole, made larger sacrifices in immigrating to Canada from across the ocean.