The Iliad By Homer

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Essay Database > Literature > English
He Wore Honor on His Sleeve The poem The Iliad written by Homer is the story of the tenth year of the Trojan War. It depicts the nobility and honor given to a slayer in warfare and the humanity that warriors show to the slain. It also illustrates the Greek code of ethics, that was in that time honor. Warriors fought for honor to insure a reputation that would outlive them. Honor is given to …

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…about the glory that he would receive once Hektor was dead. The greatest example of honor in the poem, is when Achilleus transcends his hyper-masculine need for honor into the spiritual honor that involves taking care of the people around him. He realizes his whole potential to become a sensitive and caring person who can still be honored and looked up upon. At that moment, he is seen as an even greater warrior than before.