The Iliad

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Aaron Rorabaugh Rorabaugh 1 Mrs. Kasehagen Pre-AP English 2/1/01 The Iliad The scene opens on the last year of the Trojan war. The war had raged for ten years, with the invading Greeks fighting against Troy. Apollo has sent a plague to the Greeks because Agamemnon, king and leader of the Greeks, dishonored a daughter of Apollo's priest. When the reason for the plague is discovered, Agamemnon becomes angry and defiant, unhappy to give the daughter back …

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…Hector. Zeus decrees that Priam will be allowed to have Hector's body. Zeus sends Hermes with Priam, and they enter the Greek camp. Priam begs for Hector's body back at the feet of Achilles. Achilles weeps with Priam, and grants his request. Achilles also grants Priam a truce to properly mourn his son. The city of Troy mourns Hector for 9 days, and then they have a meal, and burn his body on a funeral pyre.