The Iliad

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Essay Database > Literature > English
When analyzing the Greek work the Iliad, Homer procures an idealistic hero with an internal conflict, which questions the values of his society and the Greek Heroic Code. The Greek Heroic Code includes respect, honor, and requirements to procure an exorbitant image. To be considered a Greek hero you must meet the perquisites and fulfill all of the aspects of the code. Achilleus was deemed a hero, he was the strongest and swiftest of the …

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…of anger. Homer left us at a point of good favor toward Achilleus, meting all of the criteria to be seen in the Greek Heroic Code. He also shows us that Achilleus has another view of the importance of the values of society and how they play a role in his image. Homers purpose in the ending of book XXIV is to restore Achilleus after his reconciliation with the Greek Heroic Code, and he did.