"The Identity of an American Citizen." This essay explains in great detail what the "identity" of an American citizen was like in Pennsylvania during colonial times.

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Essay Database > History
The American Citizen of Pennsylvania valued many different things. Some of the main things they valued were family, religion and education, and their economy. The American citizen has greatly changed through out the years. Family is a very important part of life to people of Pennsylvania. Most families during the 1700's were very big. Household often contained Parents, children, and members of the extended family. People were self-reliant, as in they could meet their own …

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…and steel. The identity of the Pennsylvanian citizen can be summarized as someone who values many different things, including family, economy, and religion. Family life emerged greatly by the roles of men and women of the household, religion led the way to an enlargement of the educational system, and the economy boomed between 1830 and 1860. The principles of these values have changed greatly throughout the years, but the meanings of the values still remain the same.