The Ideals of Nirvana - A short essay criticizing the thoughts and usefulness behind "Nirvana".

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Nirvana has been defined as complete freedom from illusion, hatred, and greedy desires-how might this ideal be useful to you/us? Nirvana is defined by the most as a state of mind in which one reaches "enlightenment". However to contradict that statement, no one really knows what true enlightenment feels like due to everyone not knowing if the other person claiming Nirvana has really experienced it, or is only thinking he has experienced it and …

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…false hopes and inhibitions that other people (or Philosophers) have embedded into his thought process. Suddenly the person, who has worked hard his whole life, has been told through Philosophy that it is greed he is really working for and is degrading is lifestyle in pursuit of material things. This turns an honest, hard-working man into a recluse who wastes away his future days pondering the universe and life in order to reach "someplace better".