The Ideal Puritan Society

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John Swift The Ideal Puritan Society Puritans thought of themselves as members of the Church of England. Disgusted with the tainted modern religious practices, puritans tried to change that institution. They soon became frustrated with the lack of successful reform as English kings James I and Charles I persecuted them. The Puritans migrated to the New World to create a nation according to their own beliefs. The Puritan Society was a very restrictive and socially …

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…this nation remains a Protestant country with a legacy of conservatism, (Olmstead 345). The Puritans may have lasted only a little over a century but their ideals firmly remain. Work Cited Puritanism Bremer, F.J., The Puritan Experiment Copyright, 1981 Columbia publishing Co. "John Winthrop's City on a Hill, 1630," September 1, 2000 Vincent Ferraro {Online} <Tab/>,purit.winth.html Olmstead, C. E. History of Religion in the United States Copyright 1965 Englewood Prentice-Hall, 1960