The Hurricane: Ruben

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The Hurricane: Survival of the Emotionally Fit The Hurricane, a movie that is as compelling and tumultuous as the life of the main character, Rubin ?Hurricane? Carter. Rubin?s overwhelming life difficulties, forced him to withdraw and emotionally detach himself from humanity in order to manage obstacles in his life. By utilizing emotional detachment, an individual isolates their emotions. He or she does not need or desire anything outside of self, thus allowing him or …

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…it (the sentence)?? Rubin responded by saying, ? I have to focus on the fact that I have to do the time. I do that by not allowing myself to want or to need anything. I?m free in here (pointing to his chest). Because there is nothing I want out here (looking around the room)! Emotional detachment may not be the preferred method for handling life?s obstacles, however, for Rubin it saved his life.