The Hummingbird

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I eased behind the huge mass of nesting material and took a firm hold of several strands, I then pulled back, quickly, to pull them free. The jarring concussion, which followed, took me by suprise. I tried to get my bearings as the ground rushed up to meet me and recovered about two feet from the ground. After that near miss I climbed back to the altitude I had been at and started searching for …

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…chicks trying to free themselves. They escaped after a few minutes and, I witnessed the miracle that we had brought about. Two baby hummingbirds lay there, chirping for food. Each was no larger than a bumblebee, but they were just as loud as I am when defending my life. My mate took over and began feeding them. Soon, they were asleep, blissfully unaware of the dangers all around. Life is, truly, a wonder to behold.