"The Human Condition I" painting analysis

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Essay Database > Literature
The drastic use of color has been used to depict the mood of the subject, with greens and intense reds contributing In the "Human Condition I," surrealism is employed to pit reality against its representation to see how closely they match up. The painting of a seaside landscape is placed before the door that opens up onto the landscape and the two appear to line up perfectly, except for the nagging suspicion that the so-called …

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…world. Rene has used a Center of interest - the beach view- to first attract attention in the composition. This area is more important when compared to the other objects or elements in the artwork, and further stresses the resemblance of the 'real' world to the painted world. The artwork points out what we see is only what we can perceive, and that we may be deceiving ourselves in the way we see our world