The House On Mango Street

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The House on Mango Street Essay The House on Mango Street is about a young, poor, and Hispanic girl named Esperanza who is struggling to overcome all of the obstacles in her way. Through growing up Hispanic and female in an oppressive neighborhood, she pushes herself to be better than those before her. She is striving to break the cycle of poverty that has plagued her neighborhood and in turn realizes her dreams and goals. …

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…the biggest hurdle of all and in coming back she will remember every little hurdle that came before. She will realize that she must not forget what Mango St. has done for her and what it is to her, because a large part of it is her. Esperanza wants to leave Mango Street to achieve her dreams, and she wants to come back to remember what Mango Street is to her and who she is.