"The Hours" by Stephen Daldry.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
When I watched this movie it is a little confusing to me. I don't get the whole theme and concept of the movie, and how it relates to art and life. This movie focuses on crucial moments in three lives, gradually revealing the connections among them. The movie is about the roles of women and the consequences of rejection by the decision they made. In life everyone has a choice whether it is by our …

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…destroying order and beauty. c. "The Big Shave" by Martin Scorsese creates a metaphor that portrays Vietnam War. A man walks into a meticulously clean and sterile bathroom, concentrating on the polished porcelain and shiny metal motif. He then proceeds to shave. When his face is clean, however, he only continues to shave until he pierces through his skin. Blood covers him and falls around him, the red contrasting the perfect spotlessness of the bathroom.