The Holocaust

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Essay Database > History
THE HOLOCAUST The Holocaust was a time of triumph, struggle and many deaths. It took place in Germany during the turmoil of World War II. More lives were lost in this conflict than in any other previous war in history. The leader of the Holocaust goes by the name of Adolf Hitler. Hitler had much hatred for Jews even though he was Jewish himself. In German history, the church taught that Jews were to blame …

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…saved 100,000 lives but instead many were lost. In 1943 Britain finally agreed to help in the rescue. 32 young Jews parachuted behind German lines, one of which was Hannah Swinish whose diary is famous today. Her friend who managed to escape saved thousands of Jewish lives. Altogether, only a couple thousand Jews were saved during the Holocaust, and the Nazis took 6 million Jewish lives. This is the largest loss of life ever suffered by any one people.