The Holocaust

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Hitler's Rise to Power After losing World War I and being forced to pay $15 billion in reparations, which threw the German economy into an unprecedented economic crisis, Germany was in very bad shape. Many people were out of jobs, and their savings were gone. Hitler took advantage of this sense of hopelessness to gain power in the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazis). Hitler wrote the book Mein Kampf (My Struggle), in which he argued …

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…ended up locked in ghettos, along with thousands of Gypsies. Many of them died of starvation and cold. Forced labor also killed of many of them. Companies built factories in or near the ghettos. In the factories, Jews worked long hours for no pay. The rest of the ghetto occupants were sent to nearby gas chambers later on. The ghettos and labor camps were emptied at an increasing rate towards the end of the War.