The Holocaust

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Essay Database > History
The Holocaust The Holocaust was a period from January 30,1937, when Adolf Hitler first became chancellor of Germany, until May 8,1945, when the war in Europe was over. During these years, Jews in Europe were continuously persecuted. There were about six million people murdered. The Holocaust was not a quick act of mass murder. It was a slow process of five different phases that began with minor restrictions on Jews and slowly got worse over a period …

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…The frightful events of the Holocaust is now, decades later we are beginning to emerge as a element in Jewish psychology. This type of event could happen again. The holocaust is a meeting place Between Jews and non-Jews history. This ranks as one of the top major events in the twentieth century. It could possibly be one of the most harsh, cruel, and worse thing to ever happen in the history of the world(Bauer 348,349).