The Hobbit

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Essay Database > Literature
The book begins with Biblo Baggins enjoying a pipe after breakfast. This is one of his favorite pleasures and he feels quite content in doing so. He is middle-aged, and resides in a burrow in the ground. One morning Gandalf, a wizard stops by to talk with Biblo. He tells Biblo that he is looking for someone to go on an adventure with him. Although Biblo is tempted he declines, but not before inviting Gandalf …

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…great story to tell. I liked this book a lot because the author uses characters that appear only in fairy tales, but gives them human traits. I especially liked the way Biblo changed from a tea drinking *censored* to an iron-fighting adventurer. I would highly recommend this book for children of all ages as well as adults. It has something about it that won't let you put it down, it is a very good novel.