The History of the Media

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The History of the Media From Monastery to Profitability From the beginning of printing in the Western world, around 1450, publishing rapidly expanded from monasteries to stationers who produced and sold hand-copied books in limited quantities. Since Europe's stationers and printers had increasing commercial incentives to publish and sell books, they sought more titles and distribution channels. As businesses developed a pro. t motive for expanding the ranks of the reading public, the new print media …

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…usual postal bureau -- oversight. With the advent of World War II, the growth of TV and FM radio temporarily halted, but as military needs drove new technology, America moved to the hub of the global economy. The American commercial model affected subsequent worldwide communications growth. How history now unfolds depends, in part, on decisions about the media that wait ahead. This essay is primarily based on "The Creation of the Media" by Paul Starr.