The History of The Black Plague, 13pg research paper tracking its origins to its presence in the world today with bibliography

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Pages: 10
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Essay Database > History > European History
Imagine 25 million people dying from one disease in just five years (McCabe 18). This disease would spread over thousands of miles unchecked and with no known treatment. No one would even know from where it came. People would constantly live in fear for their own existence. Friends and loved ones would die on a regular basis. Extreme and harsh measures would have to be taken to avoid infection. It is hard for people in our society …

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… McCabe, Suzanne. "Death Comes to Europe." Scholastic Action, 1/24/2003: pg 18 Available from Academic Search Elite [MAS Ultra] EBSCOhost. 11/29/2003. Marriot, Edward. "Return of the Black Death." Geographical, Sep2002: pg 42 Available from Academic Search Elite [MAS Ultra] EBSCOhost. Accessed 11/20/2003. Dr. Songer, Glenn. "Pathogenic Bacteriology." Veterinary Science and Microbiology, U. of Arizona. 12/18/2003 Truitt, Elly. "The Medical Response to the Black Death." Calliope, Mar2001: pg14 Available from Academic Search Elite [MAS Ultra] EBSCOhost. Accessed 11/19/2003.