The History of Israel Palestinians.

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Essay Database > History
Bitter words and bloody clashes are again threatening the temporary Middle East peace process. Since Israeli opposition leader, Ariel Sharon's disputed September 28 visit to the Temple Mount, a place cherished by Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem, more than 465 people have been killed in violent clashes between Palestinians and Israelis. Sharon denied Palestinian charges that his visit was a deliberate provocation, but Palestinians erupted into violence in east Jerusalem and the West Bank town of Ramallah …

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…America Online Ltd. 4, January 2001 < Augelli, John. P., et al. The Volume Library III. Nashville, Tennessee: The Southwestern Company 1995. Boraas, Roger. S., et al. The Volume Library II. Nashville, Tennessee: The Southwestern Company 1995 Eidelberg, Daniel, C., et al. The Volume Library I. Nashville, Tennessee: The Southwestern Company 1995 Bahiri, Muhammad, Y., et al. The Volume Library IV. Nashville, Tennessee: The Southwestern Company 1995 April 24, 200. America Online Ltd. 24, April 2001 <