The History of Gangs in America.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Gangs have existed in the United States for over 200 years. It all started when the first immigrants came to the U.S.A. Most of them came for a better life but many of them ended up in poverty. The first gangs were formed among poor adolescents who grouped together for the sake of socialisation and protection. They were of the same race or the same ethnic background. The first known gang specialized in crimes …

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…K. and Wesley D. McBride (1989) "In L.A County, A High-Tech Assist in the War on Gangs" 2.)Kroeker, Deputy Chief LAPD Mark and Professor Francois Haut (1995) "A Tale of Two Cities-Street Gangs of Paris and Los Angeles" 3.)Sanchez, Rosaura (1983) "Chicano Discourse: Socio-historical Perspectives" 4.)Skolnick, J.T/Coreel, E. Navarro and R. Robb (1988) "The Social Structure of Street Drug Dealing" 5.)McBride, Sergeant Wesley D. S and Robert K. Jackson LAPD (1989) "The Police Chief" June 1, 1989 v 56 n 6:28