The History of Cambodia

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Cambodia is a country in South East Asia. At one time it was the centre of the ancient kingdom of the Khmer, and its capital was Angkor. The capital today is Phnom Penh. In 1953 Cambodia gained independence after nearly 100 years of French rule. In the 1960s the population of Cambodia was more than seven million mainly Buddhists who were ruled by Prince Sihanouk. In 1970 Prince Sihanouk was taken out of power in a military revolution. …

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…starvation, have been estimated at around three million. The Results Cambodia was left in a terrible state after the genocide, both economically and psychologically. Pol Pot's policies had killed off all the professional engineers, technicians and planners, so the reconstruction of major buildings was difficult. However, of course the most horrific result of the genocide in Cambodia was the mass killings of nigh on 3 million people. The memory of which will haunt our society forever.