The History of Bob Dylan - A summary about Bob Dylan's childhood to success.

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Bob Dylan was the most influential songwriter in the popular music of the 1960s. He was born Robert Allen Zimmerman on May 24, 1941, in Duluth, Minnesota. His father owned an appliance store, and his mother's parents managed a clothing store. Dylan loved music from the time of his childhood. He later changed his name to Bob Dylan to leave behind his real identity and his past, to become the person who dreamed of being, a rock …

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…himself a rock and roll artist by "going electric." In 1965-66, Dylan created three albums that expressed his new very personal style of song writing. Dylan's three albums had great influence on the attitudes of Vietnam War protesters and the expanding drug culture of that time. Lyrics from Dylan's songs even found their way into college English courses, and a number of intellectual people have argued that Dylan should be regarded as a major poet.