The History of Beer in America: Describes the early roots of beer in America from the first breweries til the days of prohibition til present day.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In North America, alcoholic beverages were being produced long before any of the Europeans arrived. It is known that the first European settlers were greeted by natives who were bearing gifts of wine made from the persimmon. In the southwestern region of the continent, the native Indians were brewing a beverage made from the fermentation of a type of corn called maize. It is also known that the passengers of the Mayflower were forced ashore, …

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…destined for one or two national beers, states across the country began to pass legislation in the early 1980's which allowed microbreweries to operate. In 1978 there were 89 breweries operating within the U.S., producing fewer than 25 nationally distributed brands. As the new century approached, almost 2,000 breweries once again began to operate in the United States. Currently, there are more styles of beer produced in the United States than in any other country in the world.