The History of Austraila's economic recovery after the first World War, and the affects various leaders of the country had on the country.

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After the war Australia found itself dealing with immense consumer shortages. Leading to extensive strikes and turmoil throughout the country's major industries expecially the black coalfields. This created a damaging shortage of vital energy needed for basic industries, the steel industry for example was reduced to idle working conditions due to the lack of coal. Decreasing the amount of available raw materials (steel) in-turn had a hampering affect on industries that needed steel for production …

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…The Oxford History of Australia. Oxford University Press, 1990 "Encarta" Multimedia Encyclopedia 2000. "Robert Menzies" Curtis, Heather. "Planning for National Development" The Australian Quarterly Sept. 1954: 52-65 Kelly, W.S. "How Can Australia Balance Her Trade?" The Australian Quarterly June 1955: 18-27 Hodan, M: "Economics of the Australian Wheat Stabilization Plan" The Australian Quarterly Sept. 1954: 43-49 Mountain, G.R. "The Inflationary drift in Australia-An Assessment" The Australian Quarterly June 1950: 9-21